Please click on the links below for further information about Mr James Crinnion:
My interest in vascular surgery developed during my 2 years as a Research Fellow at Leeds General Infirmary, and following my year as Registrar at Ealing Hospital, London. I subsequently spent three further years of vascular surgical training at Northwick Park Hospital, St Mary’s Regional Vascular Unit and Chelsea and Westminster.
Since 1999 I have been a Consultant Vascular & General Surgeon at Whipps Cross University Hospital. As a Consultant I have developed a busy vascular surgical practice and regularly perform the full breadth of open arterial surgical procedures. I am a member of the Vascular Surgical Society and all my cases are submitted to the National Vascular Database.
I have established an endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) service with the interventional radiologists, a one-stop venous clinic and a local anaesthetic endovenous laser clinic (over 500 procedures performed). I have developed a special interest in the management and prevention of the foot complications associated with diabetes in which I liase closely with the Endocrinologists and Specialist Podiatrist. I have been trained in vascular ultrasound and I now run a Consultant led “one stop vascular clinic” which has significantly streamlined the service.
For the last 8 years I have provided an endocrine surgical service for our department. I perform between 50-70 thyroid/parathyroid procedures annually. I now perform almost all of the parathyroid procedures via a targeted approach using preoperative radionuclear and ultrasound imaging.
My clinical interest in the use of ultrasound enables me to identify the exact site of thyroid tumours immediately before the procedure, allowing appropriate siting of the surgical incision.
My department has presented at the British Association of Endocrine Surgeons (2005, 2007) and Association of Surgeons of Great Britain Annual meetings (2009). All endocrine surgical procedures are submitted to the British Association of Endocrine and Thyroid Surgeons National Audit.
I have obtained extensive emergency surgical experiences since working at Whipps Cross which is busy acute District Hospital. In addition to endocrine surgery my elective general surgical work includes laparoscopic cholecystectomy, hernia repair and soft tissue surgery. I have developed my skills in minimally invasive surgery and regularly perform laparoscopic cholecystectomy, appendicectomy and thoracoscopic sympathectomy.
FRCS 1991
MD Leeds University 1998
FRCS (General Surgery) 1998
Membership of Learned Societies
2005 - Member of the Court of Examiners for the Inter-collegiate MRCS
2000 - Fellow of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland
2005 - Member of the British Association of Endocrine Surgeons
2009 - Member of the Vascular Surgical Society
Whipps Cross University Hospital is closely affiliated to the Royal London and St Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical School and has a large commitment to undergraduate teaching. Throughout my appointment I have had third year and final year student attachments. I have also supervised medical students in their special study module in which they prepare a project on a vascular topic. I lecture to each new group of undergraduates [40 students] on vascular surgical topics. In addition I have regular medical student attachments from the University of St Lucia who spend one year of their training at Whipps Cross Hospital.
At Whipps Cross University Hospital I have gained immense experience in teaching surgical trainees who attend the MRCS and FRCS [gen surg] courses. These courses occur 3 times a year and my commitment includes clinical teaching using my patients, mock viva examinations covering the full breadth of the MRCS and FRCS [gen surg] syllabus. I was a tutor on the Definitive trauma skills course at the Royal College of Surgeons (2005-2008). I am also the current Chairman of Court of Examiners at the Royal College of Surgeons (2010-2012).
I have a strong commitment to surgical training and I have had a specialist registrar assigned to my firm for the last 7 years. I am Chairman of the North-East Thames Specialist Training Committee in General Surgery and a Surgical Tutor at the London School of Surgery.
Research, Publications and Academic Presentations
MD Thesis – Awarded 1998
The role of neutrophils in the pathogenesis of skeletal muscle injury following limb ischaemia and reperfusion.
The main thrust of my thesis was to investigate the aetiology of the muscle injury and limb swelling which follows lower limb ischaemia. This was a period of full time laboratory research at the University of Bradford, which involved the use of an in-vivo model. I discovered that some of the post-ischaemic injury was mediated by neutrophils and could be attenuated by inhibiting neutrophil function. I was awarded the British Journal of Surgery prize for part of the work included in my thesis.
Other Studies:
- An analysis of the results of surgery for renal artery atherosclerosis.
- Collection and analysis of data from a prospective study comparing sapheno vein, dacron and PTFE as conduit for femoro-popliteal bypass.
- The cost effectiveness of intra-operative autologous transfusion in elective aortic surgery.
Further Clinical Research
- A prospective evaluation of the role of mammography in the management of palpable breast lesions.
- An assessment of the results of a community based service established in Ealing for the treatment of leg ulcers.
- An investigation of the diagnostic value of C-reactive protein and white cell count in acute appendicitis.
- A prospective study evaluating plasma neutrophil elastase as a marker of acute appendicitis.
- Co-ordination of the Joint Vascular Research Group study on the natural history of atherosclerosis renal artery stenosis.
- Audit of the use of Methylene Blue in parathyroid surgery by members of the British Association of Endocrine Surgeons.
I have been senior author on several papers as a Consultant and have presented at the Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland and the British Association of Endocrine Surgeons.
Book Chapters
- Crinnion JN & Williamson RCN [1997] Pancreatic neoplasia. In: Garden OJ [ed]. A Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice: Vol 3 – Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery. pp. 321-51. London. WB Saunders.
- Crinnion JN, S Dhanjil, Bryd SM, Griffin M, Niolaides AN [1998] Indications for non-invasive vascular investigations. In: Greenhalgh RM [ed] Indications in vascular and endovascular surgery. pp. 3-16. London. WB Saunders
- Gough MJ, Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S [1998] The local consequences of reperfusion in skeletal muscle. In: Grace PA, Mathie RT eds. Ischaemia-reperfusion injury. pp. 31-43. Oxford. Blackwell Science.
- Lambert MA, Crinnion JN The role of pulse oximetry in the Accident & Emergency Department.
Arch Emerg Med 1989; 6: 211-215
- McGeehan DF, Crinnion JN, Strachan DR. Life threatening stridor in a patient with rheumatoid involvement of the larynx.
Arch Emerg Med 1989; 6: 274-276.
- Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ. Skeletal muscle reperfusion injury – pathophysiology and clinical considerations.
Cardiovasc Surg 1993; 1: 317-324.
- Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Crinnion JN, Gough MJ. The role of thromboxane A2 in post-ischaemic muscle injury.
Br J Surg 1994; 81: 974-976.
- Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Parkin SM, Gough MJ. Neutrophils and the endothelium in post-ischaemic alterations in skeletal
muscle blood flow.
Ann N Y Acad Sci 1994; 723: 442-443.
- Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Parkin SM, Gough MJ. Neutrophils and skeletal muscle reperfusion injury.
Ann N Y Acad Sci 1994; 723:444-446.
- Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Parkin SM, Gough MJ. The role of neutrophil depletion and elastase inhibition in modifying skeletal
muscle reperfusion injury. Cardiovasc. Surg 1994; 2: 749-753.
- Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Parkin SM, Gough MJ. The role of neutrophil-endothelial adhesion in skeletal muscle reperfusion
Br J Surg 1996; 83: 251-254.
- Crinnion JN, Gough MJ. Bilateral renal atherosclerosis – The results of surgical treatment.
Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 1996; 11: 353-358
- Crinnion JN, Marino A, Grace PA, Abel P. Compartment syndrome: a very rare but potentially lethal complication of
prolonged pelvic surgery.
Br J Urol 1996; 77: 750-751.
- Homer-Vanniansinkam S, Crinnion JN, Gough MJ. Post ischaemic organ dysfunction: A review
Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 1997;14:195-202
- Wilkinson LS, Charlesworth C, Crinnion JN, Burke M. The influence of mammography on the management of a palpable breast lesion.
The Breast 1997;6:69-71.
- Nott DM, Crinnion JN, Benson JR, Carne A, Dunning P. Laparoscopically assisted abdominal aortic aneurysm repair.
Lancet 1999; 353: 1765-1766
- Crinnion JN, Wolfe JHN. Management of foot necrosis.
Critical ischaemia 1999;9: 51-56.
- Pillay WR, Kan YM, Crinnion JN, Wolfe JHN. Prospective multicentre study of the natural history of atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis in patients with peripheral vascular disease. Br J Surg 2002; 89:737-740
- Engledow AH, Crinnion JN. Acute lower limb ischaemia.
Hospital Medicine 2002; 63[7] : 412-415
- Singh-Ranger G, Sharp A, Crinnion JN.
Recurrence of granulosa cell tumour after 30 years with small bowel obstruction.
International Seminars in Surgical Oncology 2004, 1:4-6.
- Pencavel TD, Singh-Ranger G, Crinnion JN. Conservative treatment of an early aortic graft infection due to
Acinebacter baumanii.
Ann Vasc Surg 2006; 20:415-417.
- Patel AS, Singh-Ranger D, LoweryKA, Crinnion JN. Adverse neurological effect of methylene blue used during parathyroidectomy (Letter to the Editor).
Head and Neck 2006; 28: 567-568.
- Pencavel T, Beresford T, Crinnion JN. A simple technique to achieve adequate tumescent anaesthesia for endovenous laser ablation of the long saphenous vein. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2007; 89: 822-3.
- Banga N, McKay S, Crinnion J. Spontaneous rupture of a left gastroepiploic artery pseudoaneurysm
Surgical Practice 2009; 13: 56-57.
- Crinnion JN, Ullah A, Chadwick SID. Br J Surg 1997;84:1171
- Crinnion JN, Hicks D. Transmetatarsal amputation: an 8 year experience. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2002;84: 291.
Published Abstracts
- Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniansinkam S, Gough MJ.
The global changes in muscle physiology during reperfusion injury.
IJMS 1992; 161[suppl 11]:P18
- Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ, Parkin SM.
The neutrophil or the endothelium, which is important in the pathogenesis of
reperfusion injury?
Cli Sci 1993; 84[suppl 28]: 13p
- Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ, Parkin SM.
Can depletion of circulating neutrophils prevent reperfusion injury?
Proceedings of the Forum on Angiology of the Royal Society of Medicine
Edward Arnold ISBN 0 340 58961 2.
- Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ.
Is intra-operative autologous transfusion for elective aortic surgery cost effective?
Proceedings of the Forum on Angiology of The Royal Society of Medicine.
Edward Arnold ISBN 0 340 58961 2
- Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ.
Skeletal muscle reperfusion injury – the neutrophil, the endothelium or both?
Br J Surg 1993; 80: 531
- Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ
- Neutrophil recruitment and activation following limb revascularisation. Br J Surg 1993;80: 524.
- Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Parking SM, Gough MJ, Hatton R. Can modification of neutrophil function prevent reperfusion injury? Proceedings of the Vascular Disease Meeting Modality, Measurement &
Management. Edward Arnold ISBN 0 340 60022.
- Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkahm S, Parkin SM, Russell C, Woodhouse L, Gough MJ. The role of the neutrophil and endothelium in post ischaemic alterations in skeletal muscle blood flow. Proceedings of the Vascular Disease Meeting Modality, Measurement & Management. Edward Arnold ISBN 0 340 60022 5.
- Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Parkin SM, Gough MJ. The mediation of altered muscle blood flow following ischaemic injury. Int J Microcirc: Clin Exp 1993; 13: 74
- Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ, Parkin SM. Effect of depletion of circulating neutrophils on reperfusion injury. Br J Surg 1993;80 [suppl. September] : S110
- Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ, Parkin SM. Neutrophil and endothelial mediators in post-ischaemic alterations in skeletal
muscle blood flow. Br J Surg 1993; 80 [suppl September]: S110.
- Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniaskinkam S, Parkin SM, Gough MJ, Hatton R. The role of neutrophils in reperfusion injury.
Br J Pharmacol 1993; 110[proceedings suppl, October]: 123p.
- Crinnion JN, Gough MJ
Bilateral atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis – Results of surgical treatment Br J Surg 1994; 81: 607.
- Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Parkin SM, Gough MJ. Effect of an antibody to Mac-1 upon perfusion and viability during skeletal muscle reperfusion. Br J Surg 1994; 81: 765-766.
- Crinnion JN, Parkin SM, Gough MJ. Factors influencing skeletal muscle contractile responses during post-ischaemic
Reperfusion. Br J Surg 1994; 81: 760-1
- Lim YC, Homer-Vanniasinkam S,Crinnion JN, Parkin SM, Gough MJ . New in-vitro model of ischaemia-induced reperfusion injury. Br J Surg 1994; 81: 1813.
- Kumar K, Crinnion JN, Ashley S, Case WG, Gough MJ. Choice of conduit for above-knee femoropopliteal bypass.
Br J Surg 1995; 82: 55.
- Crinnion JN, Morton N, Grace PA. Leg ulcers: A seamless service IJMS 1995; 164 [suppl 16]: 11
- Crinnion JN, Morton N, Grace PA. Leg ulcers: A community solution to a community problem. IJMS [in press]
- Crinnion JN, White SM, Grace PA. The diagnostic value of C-reactive protein and total white cell count [WCC]
in acute appendicitis. IJMS[in press]
- Crinnion JN, Barry MC, Stephens J, Ripley J, Grace PA. Plasma neutrophil elastase as an inflammatory marker in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. IJMS [in press]
- Crinnion JN, Kan YC, Stansby GP, Wolfe JHN. A study of the natural history of atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis detected in Vascular surgical patients. Br J Surg 86 [suppl 1]: 64.
- Crinnion JN, Stansby GP, Wolfe JHN. Natural history of atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis. Br J Surg 2000; 87: 51
- Davis M, Crinnion JN, Benson J, Halliday M, Nott DM. Laparoscopic-assisted abdominal aortic aneurysm repair.
Br J Surg 2000; 87 [suppl 1]: 65.
- Pillay WR, Crinnion JN, Barros D’Sa AAB , Wolfe JHN. Does renal artery intervention confer any benefit in patients with bilateral atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis? Br J Surg 2001; 88 [suppl 1]: 74
- Singh-Ranger G, Sharp A, Crinnion JN. Recurrence of granulosa cell tumour after 30 years with small bowel obstruction.
International Seminars in Surgical Oncology 2004, 1:4-6
- Crinnion JN. Successful conservative treatment of an early aortic graft infection due to
Acinebacter baumanii. Ann Vasc Surg [in press]
- Crinnion JN, Patel A. Status Epilepsy occurring as a likely consequence of intravenous Methylene Blue.
Head and Neck 2006
- Post-ischaemic muscle blood flow, capillary density, oedema and viability -a new model of skeletal muscle reperfusion injury. Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ. Midland Vascular Society, Derby, March 17 1992.
- The role of lipid peroxidation and lipid mediators in the pathogenesis muscle infarction and oedema during post-ischaemic reperfusion. Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Crinnion JN, Gough MJ. VI Annual Meeting of the European Society of Vascular Surgery, Athens/Greece
September 2-4 1992.
- Does Thromboxane A2 regulate post-ischaemic muscle perfusion? Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ.
16th World Congress of the International Union of Angiology, Paris/France
September 15-19, 1992.
- Post-ischaemic muscle blood flow, capillary density, oedema and viability - A new model of skeletal muscle reperfusion injury. Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ.
16th World Congress of the International Union of Angiology, Paris/France
Septemer 15-19 1992.
- The global changes in muscle physiology during reperfusion injury. Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ
Combined meeting of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland
and Trinity College Dublin Medical School, Dublin. September 20-23 1992.
- Is intra-operative autologous transfusion for elective aortic surgery cost effective? Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ. Leeds Regional Surgical Club, October 22 1992.
- The neutrophil or the endothelium, which is important in the pathogenesis of reperfusion injury? Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ, Parkin SM. Medical Research Society, London November 4-5 1992.
- Skeletal muscle reperfusion injury – the neutrophil, the endothelium or both? Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ. 26th Annual Meeting of the Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain & Ireland
London, November 5-6 1992.
- Neutrophil recruitment and activation following limb revascularisation. Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ
26th Annual Meeting of the Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain & Ireland. London, November 5-6 1992.
- Can depletion of circulating neutrophils prevent reperfusion injury? Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ
The Royal Society of Medicine Forum on Angiology, London
November 24-25 1992.
- Is intra-operative autologous transfer for elective aortic surgery cost effective? Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ The Royal Society of Medicine Forum on Angiology, London
November 24-25 1992.
- The mediation of altered muscle blood flow following ischaemic injury. Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ
British Microcirculation Society, London, March 29-30 1993.
- Can modification of neutrophil function prevent reperfusion injury? Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ
Combined meeting of the Biological Engineering Society Forum on Angiology And the Institute of Physical Sciences in Medicine, Dublin 15-16 April 1993.
- The role of the neutrophil and endothelium in post-ischaemic alterations in skeletal muscle blood flow.
Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ. As above.
- The role of neutrophil depletion and elastase inhibition in modifying skeletal muscle blood flow. Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ, Parkin SM. The Royal Society of Medicine Forum on Clinical Haemorrhageology, Leeds 30 April 1993.
- The role of neutrophils in reperfusion injury. Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Parkin SM, Gough MJ, R Hatton
British Pharmacological Society, Bradford, 14-16 July 1993.
- Neutrophils and skeletal muscle reperfusion injury. Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Parkin SM, Gough MJ
New York Academy of Sciences – Cellular, Biochemical and Molecular Aspects of Reperfusion injury, New York, July 11-14 1993.
- Neutrophils and the endothelium in post-ischaemic alterations in skeletal muscle blood flow.
Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Parkin SM, Gough MJ. As above.
- Lipid peroxidation and skeletal muscle reperfusion injury. Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Crinnion JN, Parkin SM, Gough MJ.
As above.
- The role of neutrophil depletion and elastase inhibition in modifying skeletal muscle reperfusion injury.
Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ. XXIst World Congress of the International Society for Cardiovascular surgery, Lisbon/Portugal September 12-15 1993.
- The role of the neutrophil and endothelium in post-ischaemic alterations in skeletal muscle blood flow.
Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ.
As above.
- Can depletion of circulating neutrophils prevent reperfusion injury? Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ, Parkin SM. 3rd European Congress of Surgery, London 15-17 September 1993.
- Neutrophil and endothelial mediators in post-ischaemic alterations in skeletal muscle blood flow. Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ, Parkin SM. As above.
- Bilateral atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis – Results of surgical treatment. Crinnion JN, Gough MJ. Royal College of Surgeons Visit/Leeds Regional Surgical Club. Halifax 22 September 1993.
- Bilateral atherosclerotic rental artery stenosis – Results of surgical treatment. Crinnion JN, Gough MJ. 27th Annual Meeting of the Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain & Ireland.
Manchester 18 November 1993.
- The effect of an antibody to Mac-1 upon perfusion and viability during skeletal muscle reperfusion. Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Parkin SM, Gough MJ. 79th Surgical Research Meeting, London 7 January 1994.
- Which factors influence skeletal muscle contractile responses during post-ischaemic reperfusion? Crinnion JN, Parkin SM, Gough MJ. 79th Meeting Surgical Research Society, London 7 January 1994.
- New in-vitro model of ischaemia-induced reperfusion injury. Lim YC, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Crinnion JN, Parkin SM, Gough MJ. 80th Meeting Surgical Research Society.
- Choice of conduit for above-knee femoropopliteal bypass. Kumar K, Crinnion JN, Case WG, Gough MJ. 28th Annual Meeting of the Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain & Ireland, Edinburgh – 24-25 November 1994.
- Leg ulcers: A community solution to a community problem. Crinnion JN, Morton N, Grace PA.
Sylvester O’Halloran Surgical Meeting, University of Limerick, Ireland
17-18 February 1995.
- The diagnostic value of C-reactive protein and total white cell count in acute appendicitis.
Crinnion JN, White SM, Grace PA. As above.
- Leg ulcers. A seamless service. Crinnion JN, Morton N, Grace PA. The Sir Peter Freyer Memorial Surgical Symposium, University of Galway, Ireland. 15-16 Sepember 1995.
- Plasma neutrophil elastase as an inflammatory marker in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis.
Crinnion JN, Barry MC, Stephens J, Ripley J, Grace PA. Sylvester O’Halloran Surgical Scientific Meeting, University of Limerick, Ireland. 8-9 March 1996.
- Leg ulcers. A seamless service. Crinnion JN, Morton N, Grace PA. North West Thames Regional Surgical Club, Barnet General Hospital, Dec 13, 1996.
- A trainee’s appraisal of specialist registrar training. Crinnion JN. London Vascular Debating Group Symposium, Vascular Training, Services and Strategy - the next generation, St Mary’s Hospital. 21 October 1998.
- A study of the natural history of atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis detected in
vascular surgical patients. Crinnion JN, Kan YC, Stansby GP, Wolfe JHN on behalf of the Joint Vascular
Research Group. Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland and Surgical Research Society, Brighton May 7 1999.
- Natural history of atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis. Crinnion JN, Stansby GP, Wolfe JHN.
33rd Annual Conference of the Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain & Ireland.
Leicester, November 24-26 1999.
- Laparoscopic-assisted abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Davis M, Crinnion JN, Benson J, Halliday M, Nott DM
Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland and Surgical Research Society Millennium Meeting, Cardiff May 26 2000.
- Does renal artery intervention confer any benefit in patients with bilateral atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis?
Pillay WR, Crinnion JN, Barros D’Sa AAB, Wolfe JHN. Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland and Surgical Research Society Meeting, Birmingham, April 25-27 2001.
- Audit of Adverse Reaction related to the use of Methylene Blue in parathyroid
surgery. Patel A.S., Singh-Ranger D, Crinnion JN. British Association of Endocrine Surgeons Annual Meeting, Newcastle.
5-7 October 2005.
- An audit of minimal incision parathyroidectomy (MIP) as the preferred option to manage sporadic primary hyperparathyroidism in a district general hospital. Beresford TP, McKay S, Crinnion JN. British Association of Endocrine Surgeons Annual Meeting, London 13-14 September 2007.
- Pain and analgesia requirements following endovenous laser ablation of the great saphenous vein. McKay SC, Banga NR, Walton SJ, Crinnion JN British Association of Day Surgery Annual Meeting, Scarborough 19-20 June 2008
1992 Poster Prize 16th World Congress of The International Union of Angiology, Paris/France, September 15-19 1992. Post ischaemic muscle blood flow, capillary density, oedema and viability - A new model of skeletal muscle reperfusion injury. Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ.
1993 Poster Prize Combined meeting of the Biological Engineering Society, Forum on Angiology and the Institute of Physical Sciences in Medicine, Dundee, 15-16 April .1993. The role of the neutrophil and endothelium in post-ischaemic alterations in skeletal muscle blood flow. Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Gough MJ.
1995 Poster Prize Sylvester O’Halloran Surgical Scientific Meeting, University of Limerick, Ireland 17-18 February 1995.
The diagnostic value of C-reactive protein and total white cell count in acute appendicitis Crinnion JN, White SM, Grace PA.
1996 British Journal of Surgery Prize Awarded by The Surgical Research Society. The role of neutrophil-endothelial adhesion in skeletal muscle reperfusion injury. Crinnion JN, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Parkin SM, Gough MJ.